Thursday, February 8, 2024

Love People in Different Ways

One thing that's really struck me in the transition from homeschool family life to going away to college was the difference between the way love worked at home versus the way it does here.  At home we showed that we loved each other by doing the dishes, giving drink to the thirsty, food to the …

Friday, February 2, 2024

Envy vs. Comparison

In the days where social media has quickly become a significant part of our daily life, the risks of falling into the sin of Envy have become all the greater. I think in general it is harder to find information on sins that women fall into in particular, so I did some research to learn more about w…

Friday, January 12, 2024

How to Read More Books + A Reading List for Catholic Women

Years ago, I dropped the habit of reading for fun. When I was a child, I read voraciously but as time went on, I got so busy I just simply didn't have the time. Maybe this sounds familiar to you too.  There's a lot of things I could do to make myself read, but why force yourself to do things…

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Creating a Morning Routine that will Actually Happen

Did you hit the snooze button this morning? I hit it twice. Eventually I got out of bed though, at 6:30, my alarm was set to 6:00. That's okay though, because I didn't really intent on waking up at 6:00, I went to bed at 11 at night last night because of a meeting in my dorm. I know from ex…

Saturday, September 30, 2023

September Newsletter - The Rowing Machine, New Clothes and More!

September Newsletter - The Rowing Machine, New Clothes and More!
Happy September! The month is flying by, and I wanted to share my favorite things this season with you.  It's been over a month since I moved to California for college -- one of the most obvious changes so far has been the climate! In honor of the unexpected Califoria fall weather, I bought thi…

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Letter to a Small Business Owner

Eight years ago, I started a business in fifth grade, the week after I turned ten. I know this sounds like the beginning of a triumphant success story, but it is not – here rather is the story of an extremely long learning experience.  Though I put a reasonable amount of effort into TheRosePicker ea…

Saturday, August 5, 2023

August '23 {Aesthetic and Vintage Style} Summer Amazon Finds

August '23 {Aesthetic and Vintage Style} Summer Amazon Finds
August is bittersweet. Here we are saying *goodbye* to summer. Which, especially if you life in the northern United States, is a very. sad. goodbye. I've dug up some finds on Amazon that are a *cute* way for you to enjoy the last few weeks before school starts.  Shabby Chic Throw Pillow  ($14.14)…

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Be Not Afraid

Fear is a thief. There's nothing to ruin a day like the fear of messing up, or the fear of taking things in the wrong direction. Different temperaments struggle with different types of fear. As a melancholic, I struggle with fear of -- everything. Fear is unreasonable. The only thing we have to…

Saturday, July 22, 2023

What is Modesty?

The world has convinced us that modesty is concerned with clothes. Either the skirt is modest or the skirt is not modest. But can a skirt really make the decision to be modest? Uhh no. The wearer is what makes the thing modest or not. How does that work?  Modest clothing is a part of being modest. S…

Thursday, July 20, 2023

7/23 {Aesthetic and Vintage-Style} Summer Amazon Finds

7/23 {Aesthetic and Vintage-Style} Summer Amazon Finds
There's a lot of adorable things hidden on Amazon. I've found a lot of {pink} vintage inspired Amazon finds here for you. Hope you enjoy them and add a few to your cart! Vintage Floral Cosmetic Cases  ($25) - When I first saw these I *was in love,* they're soo cute and perfect for travel…

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Gift of Wonder

Being a Catholic often appears to the outside world of as a set of rigorous rules that must be clung to like a life raft. As Catholics we've been referred to as "rigid" and "boring" and then instructed to "loosen up." I'd be the last to argue that we need to l…